Constellation Road: Germans in Wickenburg

The Wild Horses

Horseback is the best way to travel through Arizona ‘s wilderness, north of the state’s capital, Phoenix .  Down the Constellation Road , past King Solomon’s wash, and the Gold Bar mine, travelers find themselves at the Williams Family Ranch, surrounded by undeveloped Hassayampa  wilderness.

But as reporter Tony Ganzer explains from station KJZZ, many of the visitors to this wilderness are a long way from their European homes.

{For PRI’s The World}

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Germans Take Flight


Phoenix is home to a number of notable aviation industry stalwarts, including the headquarters for airline U-S Airways, and one of the nation’s busiest airports with Phoenix Sky Harbor . And in Southwest Phoenix , German pilots are finding their wings.  From Phoenix station KJZZ Tony Ganzer takes a look at the European pilots in training, and what their methods could mean for airlines in the U-S. Continue reading “Germans Take Flight”

“And Jesus wept…”


Die-hard football fans already know this, I’m sure, but the New England Patriots failed to reach “Perfection,” as color commentators had labeled it, instead falling to the New York Giants in the Super Bowl tonight. 

For this post, I’ll resist the temptation to focus on the use of “perfection” to describe richly/over-paid athletes.  I have many problems with professional sports, notably among those problems is hero-worship, and the mind-boggling amounts of money thrown at a game in salaries, advertising, etc.

Today, however, being the biggest game of the season, takes this show of capitalistic prowess to a new level.  This level happened to be above the call of God, according to one Phoenix-area church.

Continue reading ““And Jesus wept…””

Arizona’s Wilderness

A flattened world
If you take a dirt road long enough you’ll find your way home.  Near Wickenburg, Arizona, that dirt road is called Constellation, and it winds you through stages of the state’s history.  The road passes a stage coach stop; numerous mines; washes with names like “King Solomon”; walls built by Chinese and native workers.

After driving 8 miles on cliffs and over ridges you find yourself at a fork, and finally at the Williams Family Ranch.

Continue reading “Arizona’s Wilderness”


In the Age of Corolla

It was inevitable.  With the fall of the old, a new Age has begun, and it is the Age of Corolla.  It took me a mere three hours in a dealership to secure an ’06 Toyota Corolla with the help of my trusty salesman Steve.  Steve, with his suede jacket and Chicago charm, guided me through Pontiac Grand Ams, and away from VW Jettas (which I actually wanted,) ultimately resting my wife and I in the seats of the Corolla.

Continue reading “In the Age of Corolla”

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