Kneading Journalism in South Carolina’s Statehouse Report

It’s a bit of good news to anchor this short update, with Kneading Journalism finding mention in the Statehouse Report, a premier source of political news and commentary in South Carolina.

Editor and publisher Andy Brack blends thoughts from a few sources—including my book—to try to call us away from the extremes in our politics and media. It’s a relatively quick read with some food for thought on a Saturday!

Part of this national political disconnect among the people is due to an increasing cynicism by many about the media, which exists to report truths about those in power and to tell stories to connect us.  But as the media diversified thanks to the Internet and traditional outlets got smaller, unsavory publishers – and some governments – worked to spread disinformation and misinformation, all of which are straining the American democratic process. 

“Information can breathe insight into a populace hungry for life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness, and this supports the idea of information being a source of power,” writes longtime Ohio journalist Tony Ganzer in a new book, Kneading Journalism.  

“[But] the direct manipulation of information, and a press which might distribute it, is thus a way to foster distrust and quell tools of accountability.”

Andy Brack in the article “Practice moderation to strengthen democracy”

Thanks to Andy for finding Kneading Journalism worthy of sharing with readers. Please check out Andy’s work in the Statehouse Report and the Charleston City Paper!

Reflection on life and Kneading Journalism

It’s been a long while since my last newsletter update, and I’m sorry about that. What follows is a bit of a reflection and update on me, including about my short book of essays.

Life is strange in how we’re faced with highs and lows which can simultaneously focus our attention and but also distract us; lose us in “multi-tasking” and self-reflection alike. As I worked through the PTSD of the car crash in 2020, I started to really do a wellness check on myself. Am I in a position thrive, or just get by? Not every day is a winner, but am I feeling more positive than negative?

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A final segment after 8 years in Cleveland radio

I’ve decided to step away from the microphone in Northeast Ohio. Thank you for your kindness as I tried to bring my approach to afternoon radio. I will have more on my future in the coming weeks, but this is my final segment to air 17 December 2021, remembering some of the people who trusted me with their stories over the years. Please stay safe.

Originally aired 17 Dec 21
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A well-worn bag and a reminder of Icarus

For nearly 14 years I’ve carried with me an aging reminder that there is value in striving for growth; growth in relationships, the workplace, my faith…and growth in myself.

Before your imagination runs wild I’ll tell you the item is just a bag, and not a particularly impressive one by the modern standards of bags. It’s rectangular and woven from a synthetic blend, with just three pockets with zippers (two outside, and the main one.)

I’ve carried in it my audio recording gear, books, snacks, and more, from Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, to a Ricola herb farm in the Alps, to many coffee shops (just regular coffee shops.)

When I received this bag from a week-long radio reporting seminar from The Poynter Institute, I didn’t realize the symbol it would become, and how much I’d appreciate it.

[An expanded version of this essay is featured in my book Kneading Journalism]

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