So with an unexpected sun at my back, I took up the same bicycle that I rode through college triumph and strife, to conquer at least part of Route 66.
The red path represents about 13 kilometers…my twists and turns brought a one-way trip to more than 14km.
To hard-core bicyclists this route is nothing special. For one thing, it is mostly flat. The biggest challenges come in the form of foreign obstacles: a misshapen stone on the path, a stray dog oblivious to the world, a stray jogger oblivious to the world.
Despite rampant development the Limmat was not completely bordered by buildings, or dwarfed by factories, though some stretches were much more man-made than of nature. Of course someone wanting to be fully immersed in nature shouldn’t expect that from within Zurich’s domain.
A bit more to go..
And now, despite my still aching bones, I feel a certain sense of accomplishment. On a whim I rode nearly 15.5 miles, and breathed in what freshness I could while forgetting the ills of this Swiss version of a metropolis.