One great thing about having a book about journalism and bread out in the wild is it can show up just about anywhere, like SUNY Oneonta. The Milne Library at the State University of New York in Oneonta (not far from Cooperstown) added Kneading Journalism to their collection as part of a student recognition program. Here’s a blurb from SUNY Oneonta’s website:
"The SUNY Oneonta Foundation and SUNY Oneonta Alumni Association recognize Academic Achievement Award recipients by having the name of each student honoree printed on an individual Alumni Association bookplate, which is placed in a contemporary book related to the student's major. The availability of books, online periodicals, subscriptions and other resources through Milne Library is supported by a significant SUNY Oneonta Foundation endowed fund and annual gifts from alumni, parents, faculty and staff to the Fund for Oneonta."
The fine librarians at the Milne Library gave Kneading Journalism a home to honor Kyra Hernandez, a Communications and Media student.

I only came across this development by chance, as I keep an eye on WorldCat, the system with library indexing and stocking information. It’s a tremendous honor to be in six libraries so far in the US with physical books, and many others in audiobook and ebook formats.
Thanks to SUNY Oneonta, and best of luck to Kyra Hernandez, wherever her studies take her!